Wednesday, April 6, 2016

10 Sandbag Moves to Tone & Torch Fat - YouTube

10 Sandbag Moves to Tone & Torch Fat - YouTube: ""

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Warrior Wednesday - Pistol Squats - YouTube

Warrior Wednesday - Pistol Squats - YouTube: ""

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Good News: Extra Steps Can Offset Sitting – Fitbit Blog

Good News: Extra Steps Can Offset Sitting – Fitbit Blog: "You’ve likely seen articles and news reports claiming, “Sitting is the New Smoking.” And while it’s not exactly an apples-to-apples comparison, there is some truth to the shocking headlines. Cumulative sitting (we’re talking couch- and desk-surfing combined) has been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer and type 2 diabetes. So experts everywhere are recommending you get up."

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