Monday, July 24, 2017

Fight the flab: Sweat it out, 10min at a time, Health News & Top Stories - The Straits Times

Fight the flab: Sweat it out, 10min at a time, Health News & Top Stories - The Straits Times: ""What is not known is that the exercise can be accumulated in multiple bouts of at least 10 minutes," said Mr McGeough. This is useful since "time is often identified as the biggest barrier to exercise for working adults"."

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Kayla Itsines: Exercise Tips From The World's Hottest Fitness Blogger

Kayla Itsines: Exercise Tips From The World's Hottest Fitness Blogger: "There are fitness bloggers. And then there’s Kayla Itsines. Every day, the 26-year-old Australian personal trainer shares lifestyle and workout tips to a whopping 20 million women and men around the world, a vast network dubbed Kayla’s Army. Not bad for a woman who never intended to become an influencer in the first place, but began attracting followers by posting before and after pictures of her clients."

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Slow down for a better workout | Health and Fitness |

Slow down for a better workout | Health and Fitness | "One of the most common mistakes made when learning new movements, or attempting difficult ones, is moving through them too quickly. We see this in the clinic every day, and there are good reasons why, but there are also some big downsides if not corrected. Moving too fast through an exercise can predispose one to injury and limits the benefit; so why is it something that almost all of us do?"

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Sunday, July 16, 2017

HEALTH AND FITNESS: Get fit in minutes | Features |

HEALTH AND FITNESS: Get fit in minutes | Features | "We are cautioned to be skeptical of claims that you can lose weight while eating everything you want or that you can get in shape without spending hours at the gym. For good reason, too. These claims are essentially the equivalent of a get-rich-quick scheme, with the same expected results."

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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

High-Intensity Workouts May Be Good at Any Age - The New York Times

High-Intensity Workouts May Be Good at Any Age - The New York Times: "Abbreviated, intense workouts may help people of any age become healthier, a new study of old mice that ran on treadmills suggests"

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Workout motivation: An exercise diary could be the trick to hitting the gym regularly

Workout motivation: An exercise diary could be the trick to hitting the gym regularly: "I’ve been a member of my current gym for nearly three years. I enjoy going there, I know the timetable like the back of my hand; I know the staff and other members. I’ve even got a favourite locker. But, although I love my gym, the downside of being a regular is that it’s easy to get stuck in a rut."

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Aerial Fitness, Trampoline and More Weird Ways to Work Out |

Aerial Fitness, Trampoline and More Weird Ways to Work Out | "If your exercise routine is in need of an update, look no further. Exercise isn’t boring with these four innovative (and wacky) fitness routines."

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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4 Powerful Burpee Variations for a Full-Body Workout at Home | Shape Magazine

4 Powerful Burpee Variations for a Full-Body Workout at Home | Shape Magazine: "Love 'em (which we can imagine only crazy people do) or hate 'em, burpees are one exercise that’s here to stay. Originally used in the military during boot camps and basic training to instill discipline and whip soldiers into shape, this full-body exercise isn’t easy"

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Mel B: Workout and weight loss tips from star

Mel B: Workout and weight loss tips from star: "She’s the woman we credit with introducing leopard print into our high-rotation (just us, then?) and one of the voices behind some (all) of our favourite ‘90s songs… but these days we’re taking a leaf from Mel B’s health and fitness book as well as her music catalogue"

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The Exercise Room: fitness tips for men through the ages - Life Matters - ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The Exercise Room: fitness tips for men through the ages - Life Matters - ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corporation):

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